How to Fix the SSH "Connection Refused" Error


When you try to connect to your QuickServers VPS via SSH, you may encounter an error message that says "Connection Refused". This error message can occur due to various reasons, such as a misconfigured firewall, incorrect SSH settings, or a failed SSH service.

Here are some steps you can take to fix the "Connection Refused" error:


Step 1: Check the SSH Service

The first step in fixing the "Connection Refused" error is to check if the SSH service is running on your VPS. To do this, you can run the following command: sudo systemctl status ssh

If the SSH service is not running, you can start it by running the following command: sudo systemctl start ssh


Step 2: Check the Firewall

If the SSH service is running, the next step is to check your firewall settings. Make sure that your firewall is not blocking incoming SSH traffic. To do this, you can run the following command: sudo ufw allow ssh

This will allow incoming SSH traffic on your VPS. If you're using a different firewall, you may need to adjust the settings accordingly.


Step 3: Check the SSH Configuration

If the SSH service is running and your firewall is not blocking incoming SSH traffic, the next step is to check your SSH configuration. Make sure that the SSH port is correctly configured and that you're using the correct IP address or hostname to connect to your VPS.

To check your SSH configuration, you can edit the SSH configuration file by running the following command: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Make sure that the following settings are correct:

Port: The default SSH port is 22. If you're using a different port, make sure that it's correctly configured in the SSH configuration file.

ListenAddress: Make sure that the SSH service is listening on the correct IP address or hostname.

Protocol: Make sure that the SSH protocol is set to version 2.

After making any changes to the SSH configuration file, you need to restart the SSH service by running the following command: sudo systemctl restart ssh


Step 4: Check for Network Issues

If you've checked the SSH service, firewall, and SSH configuration, and you're still getting the "Connection Refused" error, there may be a network issue preventing you from connecting to your VPS. You can try pinging your VPS to see if it's responding. ping ‘your_vps_ip_address

If your VPS is not responding, there may be a network issue that you need to investigate.


By following these steps, you should be able to fix the "Connection Refused" error and connect to your QuickServers VPS via SSH.

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